Aston Villa may not have won an English Premier league trophy in years, but the club does have something special going for it – two very famous fans. Prince William has supported the Birmingham club since he was 11 and now his son Prince George, nine, is following in his footsteps.
The pair recently attended a match together and people sitting around them noticed that George looked like a mini version of his dad. Not only were they wearing identical clothing, but the youngster frequently mirrored William’s actions. They both covered their ears and held their hands up to their faces during tense moments.

George’s a huge fan of the game, with William, 40, joking he hopes his firstborn will one day be “Villa’s top goal scorer”.

William has explained that he chose to follow a team that usually ranks in the middle of the league rather than at the top because that would “give me more rollercoaster moments”.

The team certainly gave father and son lots of those during the match, which ended on a high when Aston Villa beat Nottingham Forest 2-0.