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Prince William or Prince Harry: Who is the best royal bloke?

This is a tough one...

They’re both cheeky, charming men who are using their royal positions for the greater good, but this week, Prince William and Prince Harry went head-to-head in their own ways.

The Duke of Cambridge has been a long-time advocate for ending bullying and on Monday, he released a powerful video for the UK’s National Stand Up To Bullying Day.

“Bullying is an issue which can affect any one of us, regardless of age, background, gender, sexuality, race, disability or religion. It can happen for many reasons. It is often stupid and cruel and can take many forms,” the 34-year-old said in the video.

“It is important that we recognise that bullying is not just confined to the playground or classroom, and it does not only affect children and young people. It exists all around us, in peoples’ homes, in the workplace and in their wider communities,” he continues.

Watch Prince William speak on bullying below. Story continues after video

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The two brothers have always had a close bond.

The next day, his younger brother Prince Harry was out promoting youth sports in northwest England, showing his support for local projects that help social development.

But upon his arrival, a group of women were patiently waiting for the handsome prince, singing I Can’t Take My Eyes Off You.

One of the women even propositioned him for a kiss which he politely turned down, and then he turned down a request to kiss one of the babies!

But it was all in good fun, with Harry saying that if he did, the little bub would likely cry.

We can’t decide which brother is the better royal – we love them both!

Watch Prince Harry politely decline a baby kiss below

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