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Prince Harry reveals he hates selfies

The young royal says he's not a fan of the selfie!
Prince Harry reveals he hates selfies

The young royal says he's not a fan of the selfie!

The young royal says he’s not a fan of the selfie!


Prince Harry is currently Down Under to begin a month long secondment to the Australian Defence Force, and he’s already dished out some timely advice!

As he greeted the crowds that came out to see him, one fan asked for a selfie with the redheaded royal. Unfortunately for the young admirer, the Prince refused to play along.

“I hate selfies … seriously … I know you’re young, but selfies are bad,” he told the teen as the crowds laughed.

Luckily, Prince Harry had more encouraging words for 12-year-old Ethan Toscan, a fellow redhead who greeted the Prince with a sign saying “Redheads RULE!!!”.


“He said that I was fabulous in making the sign and it’s awesome to be a redhead,” Ethan told news outlets, adding that Prince Harry also told him having red hair “has to be the number one thing one person can ever be”.

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