Despite Prince Harry and Prince Andrew being stripped of their royal duties, they remain counsellors of state. But an expert has advised Princess Catherine be listed instead.
As counsellors of state, Prince Harry and Prince Andrew can carry out important constitutional duties if the monarch – King Charles – is unwell or overseas. The role is handed to four adult royals next in the line of succession and the spouse of a sovereign.
It is more difficult than believed to remove Harry and Andrew from the list, which now also includes Camilla, the Queen Consort, Prince William and Princess Beatrice following King Charles’ ascension.
However, their position has captured attention from the Viscount Stansgate, in the United Kingdom Parliament’s House of Lords, who challenged their eligibility.
Author Dr Craig Prescott informed 9Honey that any removal of King Charles’ brother and son would require a specific legislation change: “so there’s no ability for individual members of the royal family who are counsellors of state to step down or renounce their role in anyway.”
He advised such changes be made quickly to provide greater “flexibility” otherwise King Charles and Prince William cannot travel at the same time. Therefore, causing complications for the rumoured Commonwealth tour, including a hinted visit to New Zealand.
“The most straightforward solution is simply to add to the pool of counsellors of state, other members of the royal family who may well be further down the line of succession but still conduct public duties,” Craig said.
“Obvious candidates include Princess Anne and Prince Edward, you may even think about the Duke of Gloucester perhaps … Adding a few others would allow Prince William to travel overseas at the same time as the King.
“[The King] may even think about adding others such as, perhaps, the Princess of Wales.”
Which would prove beneficial as it is often necessary for two counsellors to act together in order to greet ambassadors and other obligations.
But Craig admitted it could be better to amend the current rules regarding privy council meetings to allow Prince William to travel solo without the King.
He said it would be a strong model in the future given King Charles’ plan to modernise the monarchy and would benefit today’s royal members as the counsellors of state is “not wholly about the line of succession anymore.”