Celebrity News

Variety – giving it a bash!

The Weekly hitched a ride on Variety’s fundraising road trip.
Variety - giving it a bash

The sun came out – and so did the stars – last weekend when some of the craziest cars in the country hit the Coromandel for Variety – The Children’s Charity mini bash. Now in its 23rd year, the event – a three-day version of their week-long annual Variety Bash – aims to raise money for Kiwi kids and gives grants to childrens’ organisations. This year, the Weekly was there for the ride. And what an event it was!

There’s always a serious reason for the Bash and this time Variety was raising money for a chair for five-year-old Tamzyn, who has serious medical issues that make learning and mobility difficult. But the event wouldn’t be the Bash without fun, fire trucks, foam hoses, ridiculous costumes and more than a dash of celebrity star power thrown in.

One News presenter and Variety patron Simon Dallow fronted up to join in the fun for the 18th year running, while Nothing Trivial actor Shane Cortese and comedian Ewen Gilmour – also seasoned “Bashers” – were quick to warn newcomers what the Bash is all about.

Co-driver Shane tried to decipher the instructions

Traditions include fundraising from each other as the Weekly discovered not once, but twice, when our car keys were “lifted” from us in front of our eyes and were only returned to us for a financial donation.

Other “learning experiences” for first-time Bashers included being doused with water from the fire trucks’ hoses – a tradition few escaped, including Bash newcomer, singer Elizabeth Marvelly – and a ride in a huge yellow truck which belongs to one of the Bash’s famous and treasured teams, the ‘Naki Boys.

They are a team of guys who have been fundraising with Variety for so long, their kids – whose faces are on the side of their truck – now have their own adult team: the ‘Naki Girls!

Westie Ewen – driving a “Ninja Turtle truck” that was modified especially for the event – and his fellow ninjas, comedians Tarun Mohanbhai and Vaughan King, had everyone in stitches throughout the journey.

\’What Now\’ presenter Johnson surrounded by fans

Meanwhile, former All Black captain Buck Shelford, disguised as Where’s Wally, admitted he was “learning a lot” from his first Bash! Without a doubt, however, What Now presenter Johnson Raela was the most popular with the kids and revealed a singing voice worthy of New Zealand’s Got Talent when he sang E Toru Nga Mea at Moanataiari School in Thames.

After a drive of almost 1000km over three days, which included stops at Hot Water Beach and Whangamata, Variety’s goal of raising $7000 was well and truly reached. “The whole event aims to raise $20,000 in total and we’ve exceeded that. We actually got closer to $ 28,000,” says Variety events and fundraising manager Jodi Preston-Thomas. “It was an amazing weekend. The teams gave it 100%.”

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