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Netball team-mates magical bond

Four team-mates share their top health and fitness advice for spring.
Grace Rasmussen, Jamie LeeĀ Price, Jo Trip and Malia Paseka

They train together, hang out together and live together – so you’d think the women of the Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic netball team would be sick of one another by now.


But four of the girls – Grace Rasmussen (26), Jamie Lee Price (18), Jo Trip (24) and Malia Paseka (18) – prefer to stay close, and are determined to keep fit and healthy in the off season.

As New Zealand’s most successful netball team – winning the ANZ Championship in 2012 and appearing in the finals every other year – there’s certainly a magic to their side, and they’re all adamant it’s their close bond that makes them better on the court.

“It’s nice to feel like a family,” says Grace. “I’ve played in other teams during my years, but here is different. Everyone’s got your back, and that’s why I think we did so well this year.”

While netball is their number one passion, these girls are friends first and team-mates second – and all of them have their roles within the squad to keep things interesting.


“Grace is definitely the humble one,” says Malia, who along with Grace and Jo has been invited to trial for the Silver Ferns 2014-2015 squad. “She’s always so nice and down to earth. And Jo is totally the chatty one.

“At functions, she’ll always be the one to go up to strangers and just start talking,” adds Jamie Lee, whose father is Warriors league legend Steve Price. “She mingles!”

Jamie Lee herself is “the baby”– the youngest of the team. “She’s the innocent one,” says Grace with a smile. “And she’s always got this massive smile on her face. If you ever need a laugh, go to her.”

Grace, who won gold with the Silver Ferns at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, has taken on an almost maternal role in the team, despite her age, helping the younger girls adapt to the gruelling demands of the ANZ Championship. “It was my seventh season this year, so I guess I’m seasoned,” she says with a laugh.


From left: Grace, Malia, Jo, and Jamie Lee.

For playing advice or career counselling, Grace, who studies theology, and Jo, who has just finished a degree in finance and marketing, are always there to help. “Casey’s like a mum,” says Jamie Lee. “She and Grace and all the other senior players help us heaps.”

“That’s one of the most awesome parts of being in the Magic,” Malia adds.

“The older ones allow themselves to have fun and integrate with us young ones. And if Grace tells you to do something, you’ve gotta do it!” she finishes, as the others laugh.


It’s no surprise that while the girls are in their off-season, they’re helping each other keep up their health and fitness in preparation for next season – and are sharing their diet and exercise tips with Weekly readers, just in time for spring.

“We were actually sad when the season ended, even though we’d get a break, because we wouldn’t see each other every day,” says Jo. “But we’ve been doing our own thing, texting and emailing motivation and tips. And we can’t wait for next year’s season to begin!”

The girls believe the Magic’s success comes from the team’s close bond.



“Organisation is key with diet. Preparing in advance makes life easier and stops you from indulging in less nutritious options. Have healthy snacks on hand and kick start your day with a glass of water. Get some friends together and enter into a local sports competition. It’s always more fun working out in a group. Or just explore the great outdoors – New Zealand is a beautiful place.”


“Drink plenty of water and milk daily! If you’re trying to lose weight, try not to reduce yourself to eating barely any calories. You have to be able to get healthier within a lifestyle you can maintain. Don’t forget to treat yourself! Change up your fitness routines so you shock your body constantly. The hardest thing is often finding the motivation to do something, so grab a friend or a dog to help get you going.”

Jamie Lee


“I don’t really believe in diets or anything like that. It’s all about eating healthily, and knowing what is good and what is bad. Once you know the bad, stay away from it – but have treats too. Make sure you do something every day to stay fit and active – even if it’s just a little walk – and balance your life to keep yourself happy.

Malia’s health tips for spring

“Try not to change your entire eating process straight away – give yourself one little goal and then add another. A good one to start with could be hydration – making sure you’re drinking eight cups of water a day. But you always deserve one cheat day! You should aways do something proactive every day, even if it’s just going for a walk, a dip in the pool or a bike ride.”


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