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Neil Patrick Harris nails his opening Oscars number

The actor enlisted the help of a few guest stars to make his opening number a smash
Neil Patrick Harris nails his opening Oscars number

As a seasoned stage star, we bet most people were expecting a big song and dance number from Neil Patrick Harris – and boy, did he deliver!


The first-time Oscars host got the laughs going right away with his first joke of the night, quipping “today we honor Hollywood’s best and whitest…I mean brightest” – in reference to the lack of non-white nominees in this year’s major categories.

He followed that up with a fast-moving number (Slate has the full video here) that saw him paying tribute to classic films of years past (including Singin’ in the Rain and North by Northwest) as well as more recent movies such as Jerry Maguire, Star Wars, The Avengers and Into the Woods.

He even got Into the Woods star Anna Kendrick on-stage with him for a special cameo performance which was (hilariously) interrupted by Jack Black!

With holograms, special effects and a crew of dancers dressed up as Star Wars stormtroopers, Roman gladiators and more, it was definitely an eye-opening way to start the show!


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