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Katy Perry throws star-studded birthday party

The singer had a blast at her ‘50s-themed birthday party, which drew a crowd of famous guests – including beau Orlando Bloom!
Katy Perry

Katy Perry donned not one but two costumes over the Halloween weekend as she celebrated both the spooky holiday and her own 32nd birthday.


All dressed up in a sky-high blonde wig and brightly patterned skirt suit, the ‘Rise’ singer played principal at her ‘50s school dance-themed birthday bash, which came complete with a massive Twister game, a ‘detention room’ and even a cafeteria-style buffet.

Celebrity pals Kate Hudson, Jessica Chastain and Cara Delevingne were among the revellers who turned out to wish Katy a happy birthday.

Of course, Orlando Bloom was front and centre during the festivities as well, sporting a blonde wig, letter jacket and extremely short shorts. During one point in the night, as Katy was serenaded by a Marilyn Monroe lookalike singing ‘Happy Birthday’, the Pirates of the Caribbean star planted a big birthday smooth on his gorgeous girlfriend – much to the delight of the crowd.


The ‘50s-style looks weren’t the only costumes Katy and Orlando sported over the Halloween weekend this year. On Friday night, Katy dressed up as Hillary Clinton in a red suit, wig and prosthetics, with a pal going as Bill Clinton.

Orlando, meanwhile, wore a cartoonish version of a Donald Trump costume and walked slightly behind the ‘Clintons’ in an Instagram photo shared on Katy’s account.


See more celebrity Halloween costumes from this year in the gallery below


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