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Black Cap Colin Munro’s gorgeous baby boy

Everything’s come together for the star cricketer, both on the pitch and at home.
Colin Munro children

As an all-rounder for the New Zealand Black Caps, Colin Munro is used to multi-tasking.


But today, as the Weekly visits his east Auckland home, the cricket star is performing a different kind of juggle – trying to keep his 21-month-old daughter Chloe interested in the proceedings with a packet of chippies, while jiggling and entertaining his four-month-old son Connor to keep him quiet.

“They’re both pretty great, definitely,” he says with a grin as he scoops up Connor from the couch and heads to the pantry to get Chloe her chips.

With their mum Tehere busy, it’s up to Dad to entertain the troops for a bit – but the sportsman couldn’t be happier with the bustle around him.

He’s just arrived home from three months in India, where he’s been playing cricket in the Indian Premier League. In fact, the in-demand athlete took off to take up his contract in the subcontinent 10 days after Connor was born in February, and has just flown to the Caribbean for another.


“I’ve only really seen Connor for a month of his life,” explains Colin (29). “So spending time with him, Chloe and Tehere now is amazing. But I think me not being here was tougher on Tehere because he was not a good baby when he was born – he was always up and he never settled well. We had two close together because Chloe was a perfect baby, so we were like, ‘This will be easy!’”

Though she was literally left holding the baby, Tehere (29) shrugs as if to say, “That’s life”.

“We always knew Connor’s birth and Colin going to India would be close together, but it’s work, you know. You can’t turn opportunities like that down!”


But thanks to her mum, who practically moved in during Colin’s absence, Tehere says she managed just fine – though Chloe’s not quite used to Dad not being overseas any more.

“If Colin pops out to go to the shops or to go to the gym, Chloe will turn around and ask, ‘Daddy, India?’” Tehere laughs.

Long absences have been a feature of Colin and Tehere’s 12-year union – a relationship that almost didn’t start at all until Tehere’s mum got involved.

“We met at high school and we were just good mates for a while,” says Colin. “With both of us having just emigrated from South Africa, you kind of gravitate to each other. Then after school, we just hung out for a bit. She’d come and watch me play hockey – never cricket because it was ‘too long’ – but she didn’t want to go on a date with me.”


“We were such good friends, I didn’t want to mess it up!” Tehere exclaims, laughing.

Colin smiles. “But then her mum convinced her to go out with me and here we are – 12 years later, married for four and with two kids.”

Despite Tehere’s initial indifference to cricket, it’s been what their relationship has centred around – until the kids came along. In fact, they’re so used to being separated that it takes a while for the couple to get used to each other again when Colin is home.


“We don’t do very well living together for long periods of time,” Tehere says with a sideways look at her husband, before bursting out laughing.

“It’s true, we’re walking on eggshells for the first week because I need to get used to the routine again,” nods Colin. “When you’re away, you’re just thinking about yourself and then all of a sudden you’re worrying about your wife and kids. It’s hard to get your head around. I’ll just chuck washing on the floor because I’m used to hotel life. Bad, I know, but I make sure I sort it out pretty quick!”

And, of course, Colin’s quick to notice all of the new Kmart acquisitions that have made their way into the house in his absence.

“There’s always new stuff,” he says, shaking his head.


But when he is home, spending time with his little family is all Colin really wants to do – especially getting to know his new son.

The Black Cap says he has always hoped to play for his country.

“He’s a pretty good boy now,” says Colin.

“I think he’s going to be like you, actually,” Tehere notes to Colin, who agrees.


“Yeah, I can take a while to warm up to people, especially strangers… whereas this one!” he laughs as Chloe zooms back into the lounge room, giggling and dancing. “She’s just like her mum. She’s so outgoing – she’s unbelievable. I think it’s because she’s literally been around the cricket boys since birth.”

Chloe’s mega personality has caused her parents a few headaches, though, especially when Tehere took the two kids to visit Colin in India a couple of months ago.

“She’s the one who would go off with a stranger… I was worried someone in India would take her because she doesn’t even cry. If you go to the park, she’ll see someone and try to go off with them. But Connor, he’s more of a mummy’s boy – he’ll look for me if we’re in a room full of people.”

It’s taking a village to raise their two children, both Colin and Tehere admit, especially with the demands of Colin’s job. Tehere says she has been especially grateful to the other families involved with New Zealand Cricket.


“They’re our kids, but they’re not just our kids, if that makes sense,” Tehere explains. “They’re definitely cricket children – there’s no way I could have done this by myself.”

Things are about to get a little more chaotic too with Tehere preparing to head back to her work as a nurse part-time.

“Life at the moment is not conducive to working full- time, but I need to go back to maintain my registration, so two days a week is good,” she says.


“The Black Caps have a big summer coming up, and if Colin plays and wants us to come with him, it’s hard to leave a full-time job. Chloe’s just started going to kindy full-time, so when I’m not working, it’s just me and Connor.”

When Colin is back from the Caribbean, where he’s currently playing alongside former Black Cap captain Brendon McCullum for the Trinbago Knight Riders, he and Tehere admit they’re looking forward to some “normal” time together – or as close to it as they can get.

“We go out for a lot of coffee dates,” Colin tells. “We’re such close mates as well, so we’re pretty chilled. Dinner, watching Netflix on the couch… it’s great.”

And when it’s time to take the kids out, a trip to the local shopping centre is always on the cards, as well as the park and the zoo.


“And the Howick markets,” Tehere adds, smiling. “I’m such a market girl – I love them. Any opportunity we get, we’ll go.”

It’s a pretty great life, Colin is first to admit, and one he sometimes still can’t believe he’s leading. He never imagined this would be possible as a young boy during his childhood in South Africa.

“Obviously, you grow up wanting to represent your country, so I assumed that if I did get that chance, it would be for South Africa. But moving here changed all of that. It is home now, and I want to play at that highest level and make the country proud.”


There’ll be plenty more chances for Colin to do just that next summer, with the talented athlete recently signing another contract with the Black Caps.

But he does hope this year that – for the first time in the four years he’s been married – he might be able to be home for his wedding anniversary.

“That’s the dream – August 11, I’ll be in the country!” he says with a laugh.

Words: Kelly Bertrand


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