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Donna Fleming

Is swallowing toothpaste harmful?
Body & Fitness

Is swallowing toothpaste harmful?

Many of us are told from a young age not to swallow toothpaste because it’s bad – and this is true, up to a point. Toothpaste contains lots of fluoride, and while this mineral strengthens enamel and protects teeth from decay, in large quantities it is poisonous. Ingesting a large amount can lead to vomiting […]
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Exercise swaps - T'ai chi for mountain biking
Body & Fitness

Exercise swaps: T’ai chi for mountain biking

The slow-moving martial art has long reputed to have health benefits, with studies showing it has a positive effect on everything from blood pressure and depression to heart disease. But it burns calories at a slow rate – just 198 an hour. Swap it for cycling, speci cally off-road, and you’ll burn the same number […]
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