
Children’s bedroom decoration

I can still remember my childhood bedroom with its pretty pink wallpaper and fairytale four-poster bed. Later, in my teens, I transformed it into a sanctuary with huge lime green flowers on the wall, trailing indoor plants and even a tank with goldfish. Whatever theme you and your child choose, it's important to let them be involved in the room's creation.

Baby love

When you have a new baby, it’s fun to create the nursery of your dreams. While it was once blue for boys and pink for girls, these days there are no real rules. one of the prettiest baby rooms I’ve seen was all done in neutral colours, with a lovely rocking chair by the window for feeding – the atmosphere felt very relaxed.

Some scientists say it’s good to stimulate your baby’s brain by decorating with very bright colours. This is because babies respond well to them at an early stage. The trade-off is that your baby can get over-stimulated, which isn’t ideal. There’s plenty of time for bold colours later.

Taking time out

Even children need to relax and recharge, and providing a comfy chair in their room is a good idea. Place it beside a little side table piled high with their favourite books. Experts recommend that TVs and computers are kept out of bedrooms. Encourage your child to let off some steam physically with mini table tennis, or other fun games that get them up and moving.

other creative ideas for helping your child relax include a blackboard wall (you can find this special paint at your local hardware store) or painting a giant mural with personal touches. This kind of DIY involvement can be especially good when working with your tween or teen.

Hot tip:

Choose a décor theme that can grow with your child. Cartoons can soon date, so include these sparingly around the room when you style it

Taste of tradition

When my daughter was small I included a lot of my own childhood toys in her bedroom décor. My mum was clever at making lovely rag dolls, and to this day Jemima and Polly are among my most treasured possessions. Favourites of yesteryear are making a welcome return.

Storage sensations

Some lucky children’s bedrooms have toys, books and games scattered everywhere so good storage capacity is essential. Choose a system that involves easy access for you and your child to get toys out of – and to put them away again. Small clothing items, such as underwear and pyjamas, will find a smart home indrawer bedside cabinets. Also look out for the popular cube systems. You pop storage boxes into each cube for an orderly and attractive piece of furniture.

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