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Sharon angers Nordic royals

Sharon Stone has made a royal faux pas after upstaging Norway’s King and Queen at a banquet last Sunday. The `Basic Instinct’ star arrived late to a dinner honouring the Nobel Peace Prize winners in oslo – possibly unaware of local protocol that when a King and Queen attend an event, everyone is required to be in their seats when the royal couple make their entrance, making them the last to arrive. Sharon turned up 10 minutes after the royals, which has been interpreted by Norwegians as the actress declaring herself more important than the King. Several guests were offended by her late arrival, with former palace official Carl-Erik Grimstad calling it a “violation” of international custom. He says, “When the King is invited to such an event, guests need to have a very good reason for arriving after he does. I’m sure that if she didn’t have a good reason, she’ll be sorry about it.” [15 December 2006]


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