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Naomi finally confirms pregnancy

Naomi Watts has broken her silence over her pregnancy to boyfriend Liev Schreiber, declaring she is “glowing” with excitement. The King Kong' star's partner confirmed the details of their baby on US talk show Late Night With Conan o’Brien’. The mum-to-be reveals, “It’s true I’m pregnant. It’s a little frightening talking about it. This is the first time I’ve said it out loud to a journalist. You know, I kind of wanted to keep it private because there is just so much to worry about. I had morning sickness for four weeks at the beginning and I feel congested which is linked to my pregnancy, but otherwise I am at the ‘glowing stage.” originally, the pair were set to marry after the birth of their child, but have decided to wed within the next few months. [11 April 2007]


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