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Liz’s 75th birthday bash

Elizabeth Taylor had a New orleans-themed bash at a Las Vegas hotel on Tuesday night to celebrate her 75th birthday. The film legend, who suffers from chronic back pain, was escorted to the party on a wheelchair by her four children – Michael and Christopher Wilding, Maria Burton and Liza Todd. Around 70 famous friends attended the celebration of the two-time Academy Award winner, including model Kathy Ireland and former love rival Debbie Reynolds (who was dumped in 1959 by her husband, the fourth of Liz’s eight spouses). Liz’s voice was soft and she seemed frail as she chatted briefly with reporters, telling them her secret to making it to 75 was “just living a very healthy, clean life”. Pop singer Michael Jackson, a long-time friend of the `National Velvet’ star who recently moved to Las Vegas, did not attend the party. [1 March 2007]


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