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Kate Winslet wants to be friends with Michelle Williams

British screen beauty Kate Winslet has so much admiration for American star Michelle Williams she fantasises about being friends with her. The 35-year-old mother admits she thinks about the blonde star a lot. “From a distance, I feel as if I’ve actually been having a secret love affair with Michelle,” explains Kate. “She and I are quite intimate in my fantasy friendship, built on admiration and respect. I’m talking about her acting, of course!” However, Michelle already has a close celebrity friend – Reese Witherspoon – who she turns to for practical advice when it comes to parenting. Michelle says, of a recent time she turned to the Legally Blonde star, “To give credit where credit is due, I was sharing a difficulty I was experiencing with Reese Witherspoon, and she said, ‘Yes, I understand, but think about how much more difficult this would be without the luxury of a reliable, steady income.”

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