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Ginnifer Goodwin: I started dieting at nine years old

‘Big Love’ actress Ginnifer Goodwin says she started dieting as a very young child in order to keep her weight under control. “I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers for 23 years and I’m back on it right now,” she explains. “It’s the only thing on the planet that doesn’t dehydrate you or just make you miserable. I’ve never had a dramatic weight problem, it’s just that I tend to indulge, and then I need to get back on track so I can button my pants.” However Ginnifer’s honesty about her diet regime does not extend to revealing how many kilograms she aims to weigh. “I actually have a number, and I know that some people say that’s not the healthiest gauge,” she said. “That’s my happy number where I feel good about myself and my energy’s high. I call it my ‘shooting weight’, because it’s also the number that doesn’t freak me out when I see myself on screen.”

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