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Co-star: I’m glad Abigail didn’t win!

oscar-winner Alan Arkin says he is glad his ‘Little oiss Sunshine’ co-star Abigail Breslin (10) didn’t win the Best Supporting Actress award she was nominated for.


The 72-year-old insisted he had the child star’s best interests at heart because a win would spoil her childhood and cause her to lose her innocence.

He explained, “I was hoping she’d lose, frankly. I’m serious. I’m not joking. What next – the Nobel Prize? It’s enough. She’s had enough attention. I love her and I love her family. I feel enough is enough. She’s a kid – she needs to have a childhood.”

‘Dreamgirls’ star Jennifer Hudson (25), a former ‘American Idol’ reject, ended up winning Best Supporting Actress.


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