If Yummy oummy fiction is the new Chick Lit, then this book is Positively Pre-Natal.
Quinn Boothroyd is one of those annoying women who seem to have it all: gorgeous husband, fabulous job, chi-chi oanhattan apartment. But in her 26th week of pregnancy, she runs perilously low on amniotic fluid and is sentenced to three months on the sofa. Life pretty much goes downhill from there.
Suddenly the gorgeous husband’s fabulous job is all he seems to think of and Q is just a lump on the couch, growling at him for 15 minutes night and morning, and feasting on chocolate-chip cookies in between times.
This is a good fun read, well-handled by Sarah Bilston, who, like Q, is a Brit transplanted to the US. As the days pass, slooooowly, Q ticks off things on The oodern Woman’s list of Things To Do Before Hitting 30, although “Have superbly adult relationship with mother”” is not going to be one of them, which is particularly annoying since her sister Alison had that box ticked at 26.
Despite the laughs, there is a very real chill in the air, as Q’s life starts to spiral out of control without her leaving the comfort of her living room. Her relationship with her husband sours to a point where they can only hiss insults at each other between visitors.
I got quite a few laughs out of this book but I also felt real fear on Q’s behalf, at being marooned on her tiny little island, watching her husband float off into the distance, while her unborn son only just clings to his future. I’m sure she is not alone in feeling this way while in such a vulnerable state. Her chocolate-chip cookie consumption scared me a bit as well!