Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
Everything you need is going to be available to you in 2024 – what you do with it is up to you. If you’re thinking of changing your lifestyle in any way, this is the year to do it. Your health is excellent and there’s nothing to get in the way of what you want to achieve. There’s a new-found energy and passion at the beginning of the year, and that will carry on throughout 2024.
Following on with the same vibration is work and money. You know what you need and how you’re going to get it. You’ll have planned your finances well in advance, but you’ll also make sure there is flexibility. Being an Aquarian, you never know when you’ll suddenly need something out of the ordinary and that flexibility means you can have it. A new career is tempting, but may not be viable until the end of 2024.
Love & relationships
You’ll take off on a wild adventure with a lover if partnered, and if single, you’ll be meeting someone special on an escapade. There are some extraordinary people to meet and this is so Aquarian – you are drawn to people who are unusual, outrageous and rebellious. Why? Because that is exactly who you are. Look forward to a year filled with like-minded people coming into your life.
You’re very intuitive and this is the year you’re comfortable with it. You use it and bring it into your everyday life. You may feel as if you want to learn more about your particular belief system or philosophy and the right teacher will appear at the right time. Keep up your daily practice – you are where you need to be at this time in your life.
Air – the wind is what gives you energy. Stand on a hill, with the wind in your hair, for freedom.
Soul food
Broccoli for leadership. Take the initiative, step up and do not turn down opportunities.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
It’s time to embrace that creative flow. Dive into artistic pursuits, and seek and nurture meaningful relationships. Balance work and self-nurturing as your sensitivity may lead to burnout. It’s important to make time for self-reflection and to remember that your dreamy nature is your strength. Channel it into whatever you are passionate about for a fulfilling and harmonious life.
Your work and finances are promising. There will be new opportunities to collaborate with other people that will boost your income. It could be a joint venture, a project if you’re in business for yourself or working with a new and innovative team in your current job. Keep being adaptable and make wise investments that will secure your long-term stability.
Love & relationships
You have a depth of emotion that absolutely shines out of you. A strong connection is about to deepen over the first couple of months and singles will meet someone special at the beginning of the year. Communication and understanding are the keys to a thriving relationship and/or friendship. Nurture every type of relationship you have and you’ll find the rewards are well worth
the effort.
Actively seek out enlightenment. Discover new practices and alternative ways of exploring your soul journey, the cosmos and the universe. This year will bring a profound spiritual experience if you keep following the pathway you have set for yourself. There is peace, solace and growth.
Water – the energy of fast-moving water, rapids and waterfalls is your vibe.
Soul food
Onion for protection. Take responsibility and empower your own life. Know you are safeguarded and keep moving forward.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
You need to prioritise a balanced lifestyle so you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Incorporate a varied diet and exercise plan as you like variety – if something becomes too routine, you tend not to keep up with it. Manage your stress by being mindful of what you’re allowing to happen in your life. If it’s someone else’s problem, then give it back to them. Look for moments of calm in chaotic moments.
A new career or business opportunity arises, but you may need to add some more skills to your repertoire. This will not be difficult – it’s simply a matter of getting the correct pieces of paper such as licences or certificates. You will need to budget for a big-ticket item such as a house or car – it will be easily obtainable as you’re very focused once you set your mind to saving for something.
Love & relationships
It’ll be a very social year. Friends will be joining you in all sorts of adventures, events and gatherings. These shared experiences will create memories for years to come. It’s a time when you are all achieving major milestones in life and you’ll all celebrate with each other. Keep your independence in a romantic relationship – make sure someone is not becoming too dependent on you.
Be curious. Even if you do not believe in anything in particular, don’t be afraid to try something new. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to take it on board, but you’ll have learned something. You might find that meditation or a similar practice will resonate with you, and give you some moments of peace and harmony. Embrace your spiritual journey and let it enrich your life – it will help you discover your true purpose going forward.
Fire – the beautiful flames of an outdoor brazier is the energy that mirrors you.
Soul food
Strawberry for agreement, teamwork, connection with others and partnering with like-minded individuals.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
There is good fortune with you throughout 2024. Health, wealth and happiness may sound like a cliché, but that’s exactly how it’s all going to play out. You’ll be looking at goals such as a personal best, creating a masterpiece or breaking a record, and the focus and energy you bring will see you achieving the target sooner than you had expected. The winter months will be a strong and successful time for you in all aspects of life, and you’ll make some important life decisions.
You might want to fundraise for a particular organisation to improve the lives of people or animals, whatever charity is close to your heart. It will give you a great deal of satisfaction to volunteer and you’ll be successful in raising the amount you aimed for. Likewise, if you’re focused on your personal savings or fundraising for investment, the success is the same – you’ll hit the target.
Love & relationships
You’ll be spending more time with friends and family between January and March, and you’ll gain some valuable insight into the relationships you have with them. Now’s the time to show your gratitude to the particular friends who have been loyal over the years, and who you trust. Fair-weather friends will fall by the wayside and you’ll know who truly has your back.
You love the practical side of spirituality and your energy is very grounded. You’ll find yourself connecting with nature, seeking stability, and exploring what your life purpose is all about. Consider practising meditation and mindfulness, and spending time in natural surroundings to enhance your spiritual wellbeing. Ultimately, your spiritual path is a personal journey, so follow what resonates with you.
Earth – the luxurious growth of rainforests and exotic plants is your energy.
Soul food
Apple for continuance. Your future is assured and now is the time to work on your vision for the future.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
Make sure you take a sensible and practical approach to the important issues, such as your health and wellness. No matter how strongly you’re tempted to break the rules, you’ll not let your heart rule your head. Patience is the key to making good decisions for yourself. There’ll be medical advice to follow in autumn and whatever the issue is, it will be cleared up and sorted out quickly.
Even if you live with someone else, your financial independence is really important to you. You’ll be focusing on security in the short-term and will feel the need to follow a strict budget. There’s a job offer coming, but the salary is not commensurate with the workload that will be expected of you. If you’re looking for a career change, it’s preferable to wait for a better offer than work for less than you’re worth.
Love & relationships
Love is going to be extremely potent and passionate throughout 2024. As things are so “hot”, you will need to be really open when it comes to communication, trust and understanding. Singles will find themselves surrounded by admirers and having to choose, which isn’t a bad thing – remember that you don’t have to pick just one. It may take two or three before you find what you’re looking for.
Thanks to your traits of adaptability and versatility, you’re capable of taking on and/or exploring more than one practice at a time. An interest in healing – particularly to do with herbs, plants and nature – appeals to you and you’d be adept at natural or other forms of healing. You excel at communication, and will take great pleasure in discussing and debating spiritual ideas.
Air – morning mist is your energy, that beautiful time when the world is waking up and revealing itself.
Soul food
Pumpkin for productivity. Hard work, planning and experience will be paying off this year. There is everything to work for.
Cancer (June 22 – July 23)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself becoming more occupied with personal affairs or goals and less inclined to socialise this year. Just make sure you don’t isolate yourself too much, although hopefully friends and family won’t let that happen. In early summer, there are some changes in lifestyle and you will find yourself contemplating a switch in your environment – if you’re in the country, you might choose the city; if you’re by the sea, you could head to the bush. This is exciting and it’s just the change you need.
There is an opportunity to take on a second job or a side hustle involving a craft or skill you possess. The more sources of income you have, the more secure you’ll feel. This is simply in your nature – you like to have more than you need, a rainy-day fund and a nest egg. This is the year you achieve that. There is some kind of restructure at work, which you take in your stride – your job is secure.
Love & relationships
0There is someone new entering your social circle. You have a lot in common with this person and there is potential for a lasting friendship. You’ll be kept on your toes socially and spring will bring some excitement as there’s a strong romantic vibe around you. By the end of November, there will be some kind of commitment for lovers.
You have emotional depth and sensitivity, and this makes you highly attuned to your own spiritual journey, as well as empathetic toward others going through a transformation. Due to this, people often ask you for guidance and advice, and you have the wisdom and knowledge to give them what they need. This year, the focus will be on your inner-self, inner-child or self-awareness.
Water – the depths of the oceans, the waves and surf inspire your energy.
Soul food
Lemon for cleansing as you are ending one phase and beginning a new one. Old habits need to go and new ones created.
1Leo (July 24 – August 23)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
You love the finer things in life! You possess a taste for luxury, and you enjoy indulging in upscale experiences and adventures. This year, you’ll have the opportunity to totally indulge yourself and relish every minute of it. If you want a facial, there’ll be no tea bags on the eyes for you – it will be an exclusive spa day. If you’re going to change your diet, it will be one with the finest ingredients. You have a flair for the dramatic, but don’t let drama get in the way of a fabulous year.
A new work direction will bring some challenges. It’s nothing you cannot handle and it could bring worthwhile rewards if you’re willing to go the extra mile. This is also an opportunity to move forward in your career because people will notice you. The new direction will also bring extra cash and perks – perhaps a car, phone or health plan.
Love & relationships
You’re not going to find love, new friendships or new social networks if you don’t put yourself out there. Yes, you enjoy your own company, but you know you love a good party, and you love to get out and about. It’s about building up your energy levels, taking a deep breath and getting out there again. You’re a born leader – where you go, people will follow – so organise something you want to do and invite everyone along.
2Leos are generous in their personal and professional lives, and you demonstrate this generosity in your spiritual life as well. You’re always ready to donate your time, resources, skills and talents to help support a spiritual cause or charity. It’s from your heart and that is your spiritual energy – heart energy. You also love rituals and ceremonies, and this is a good year to create a ritual or ceremony to celebrate your level of awareness and knowledge.
Fire – the heat and power of a volcano is where you draw your energy.
Soul food
Cauliflower for transition. You are transitioning into a more powerful, energetic and successful lifestyle.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
3Working in creative ways will enhance your life this year. If you’ve ever wanted to make jewellery, throw a pot or write a book, then this is the year to pursue and develop your abilities. Not only are you successful, but being creative brings a new vibe and new perspective to your life that is uplifting. Your health is good – there is a small warning around your immune system midwinter and your ankles. If you’re sports-oriented, be careful where you walk or run.
It’s easy to make money when you enjoy it – and you’re going to thoroughly enjoy building assets in 2024. You’ll be able to mix business with pleasure, which is always a good thing. Everything you plan will eventuate and an exciting development towards the end of October will take you further up the corporate or company ladder. Whatever you do, you end the year on a high.
Love & relationships
There may be some tension with family, friends or a lover early in the year, and the best thing to do is to be diplomatic. This is not about you and there may be some stress left over from the end of 2023. Be patient, let them talk about it and do what you can to make life easier. You’ll find they get over it much more quickly and the rest of the year is a breeze! All your relationships and connections are on an even keel this year.
You are so analytical, you want to know how it all works and you want to understand the finer details of everything that is presented to you. You don’t believe anything until you have proven it for yourself and this year will be no different. You are humble and modest, and that influences your spiritual approach to things – you work quietly on your own development, without the need for recognition or attention. You will keep your soul journey private.
Earth – standing on stone, granite, rock. The energy of being rock-solid.
Soul food
Lettuce for desire. You’re overcoming challenges, and there is material wealth and an abundance of opportunities for whatever you desire.
Libra (September 24 – October 23)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
There is energy just bursting out of you this year and everyone wants to be a part of that. You have a variety of activities to engage in and sports or competition-minded Librans will be in their element – disciplined, training hard and winning. If you’re someone who adheres to a specific diet for sport or health reasons, you’re going to find a product or regime that suits you perfectly and makes things easier to manage. Life is all about energy, drive and keeping busy.
5Your finances will improve early in the year, thanks to a stroke of good luck. Be sure you monitor the situation and make the most of it to ensure the stream of positivity keeps flowing. If you work in media, advertising or marketing, this is your time to shine. Get into social media, AI and explore new technology to put yourself ahead of the game. A new boss or investor will impact your company in a positive way, modernising and streamlining the office.
Love & relationships
A family member will have a specific goal they want to reach, and everyone will be on board with their financial, emotional and motivational support – you’ll all be proud when they achieve the dream. There’ll be a prize, medals or a scholarship of some kind. Lovers will find that life can bring surprises and once the initial shock has worn off, the good news will be shouted from the rooftops!
You have an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, therefore it’s more than likely your soul journey will include music, art and creative practices. There will be an opportunity for you to attend a workshop that involves sound healing, drumming or something similar. This will resonate with you, and it will be an area you want to explore further and incorporate into your life. Anything to do with colours will also complement your journey.
Air – the clouds and rainbows reflect how you connect with the world.
6Soul food
Orange for energy. You are anchored in your true purpose, and you are moving in the right direction with the perfect attitude and energy.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
This is the year that you put yourself first and foremost. You know that you have been focusing on helping other people achieve their goals and dreams, caring for and nurturing them. They’re all on their way now and you can start creating the life you want for yourself. Take the time to think about how you want your life to look – emotionally, physically, materially and spiritually – then create it. This is an exciting and successful year, and it’s all about you.
You do not live to work, but you like to get things right and you like making progress, and work just happens to be the place where you can satisfy that challenge. This is a good thing because it means you will smash out every challenge, make the budget, achieve goals and make money at the same time. If you’re the boss, you’re a good boss, though maybe a little too tough and you might want to soften your approach this year.
Love & relationships
7You think you’ve met a new friend, but in essence, you have found your soulmate, your lover and your best friend all in one package. They fit right into the family, and you know that they’re genuine, authentic and honest, which is so important to you. There’s an overseas trip for one family member and they’ll need support as they have not travelled before. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself accompanying them.
You want to learn more about yourself and where you fit in this vast universe of ours, and there will be many opportunities to do just that. It’s important to understand that every-day practices and paying regular attention to your soul journey will bring the best results. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to visit specific spiritual places, for example, Stonehenge, Easter Island or churches and temples. Think of it as a pilgrimage of sorts.
Water – rain, be it gentle or a storm, is where your energy lives.
Soul food
Grapes for abundance. This is a fertile time in your life, and there is magic about when it comes to health, wealth and happiness.
8Sagittarius (November 23 – December 22)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
This year brings you opportunities to get all your ducks in a row – to make a list of things you need to get done. It’s not the small stuff, but things such as finishing your education, adding new capabilities to your CV, and incorporating new life skills around food and health. Also, create a list of things or resources you need to make the year ahead run smoothly. Your mood is one of brightness, feeling uplifted, and knowing that when you have the expertise and equipment you need, there is nothing to stop you.
You have ambition, and there is good cause to review your aspirations and goals – and increase them! You’re going to succeed, so why not go big?! You know that you can set the bar higher – the target you have created for yourself in your career and/or business is achievable without sweating too much, but you need one that makes you sweat, that challenges you, so that when you reach it, you know you’ve done something remarkable. This is the year of winning, achieving and creating wealth. Think big.
Love & relationships
There are celebrations throughout the year, of course, but one will be particularly special and it will probably take six months or more to organise it. That job will fall to you because you’re good at it. Remember to delegate some tasks to other family members so they feel involved, and it also takes the burden off you. A friend will request a favour and you need to be careful – if it’s to borrow jewellery, your car or something of value, think twice. The item may not come back in the condition it was given.
9Your soul journey is one of seeking the truth. This has always been a strong aspect of your sign – you need to know what is sincere and meaningful in everything around you. When it comes to spirituality, you want to search for the deeper truths both within yourself and with regard to the wider world around you. You possess a strong sense of ethics and moral values. If you look at any spiritual practice or philosophy, religion or people, you have to know that it’s ethical, moral and that they practise what they preach.
Fire – the crackling of a log fire in a fireplace, controlled but with sparks flying.
Soul food
Potato for grounding. Keep life simple. Stay earthed by keeping to the most logical, practical ways of doing and dealing with things.
Capricorn (December 23 – January 20)
Lifestyle & wellbeing
0You’re going to be noticed this year, so you’ll want to look your best, feel on top of your game and be ready to take advantage of this attention. This recognition comes in all forms – romance, work, competition and creativity. You have fitness and nutrition regimes in place, you’ve done personal and career development work – you know yourself inside out. If you haven’t done the work, start now. This is the year when you rise to the top. This is when you enjoy it all.
There will be, or already is, someone in your workplace who wields too much power over you and your colleagues. Unless you truly want to stay in this environment (and the reason would have to be a good one), it’s time to move on and find somewhere that’s more conducive to your career goals and plans. It’ll be easy to acquire a new position – easier than you think, as you are good at what you do. Make sure people value your skills and reward you accordingly this year. Don’t be underestimated.
Love & relationships
Relationships are never black and white – they can be all colours of the rainbow – and this year is no exception. Relationships and friendships will be blue for dreams of love, yellow for intellectual connections, red for love, and green for people you are connected to in sports, competitions and work. There are ups and downs, of course, but no major dramas and a year of simply loving the people in your life and being with them.
You’re really grounded and centred, and you know what you believe in. There may be some challenges to your way of thinking, but you know that you do not have to justify or explain yourself to anyone. Whatever your belief system, it suits you, you enjoy it and it brings all the elements you need to live your life authentically. You’ll find you have new levels of awareness and intuition this year.
Earth – crops, fields, orchards. All the places where food is grown is your energy base.
Soul food
Carrot for clarity. Embrace new ideas, new ways of thinking and trust in your own judgement. Don’t over-think – keep a clear vision for your future.