Julia and Ali’s fellow Block contestants turned on them in the latest episode of the Three reality series this week, as Andy and Nate, Stace and Yanita and Ling and Zing banded together to accuse the twins of breaking the rules by drinking on-site and being absent overnight.
Confronted with the allegations by host Mark Richardson, the twins flatly denied flouting Block HQ protocol – which didn’t go down well with their fellow contestants, who said they had seen evidence of it with their own eyes.
“The twins do not take it too kindly. They instantly go on the defensive and pretty much, unfortunately for them, start calling us liars, which obviously upsets us a bit and I know it upsets the other teams,” Hamilton brothers-in-law Andy and Nate told the camera later.
Shortly after the tense team meeting, the twins headed up to their room to dispose of the bottles, but the mics caught them talking about what went down.
“Told you this would happen … drinking in front of them and stuff.
“Let’s go hide our s— in our room. Oh my god, there are so many,” the twins could be heard saying.
While the other teams proposed a hefty punishment of $8,000 to be taken away from Team Blue and redistributed, Mark said he would need 24 hours to consider the matter and come back with a final judgement.
This isn’t the first time the twins’ behaviour has ruffled a few feathers on site. From spying on the other teams’ progress to protesting challenges, Julia and Ali have made a big impression on The Block NZ.
Speaking to Woman’s Day about their reputation for being troublemakers on the show, Julia and Ali said: “We don’t care what we look like on TV. At the end of the day we can only come off as who we are and we’re proud of who we are.
“We stick by the decisions we make.”
While the twins are sticking to their guns, it remains to be seen how their fellow teams will react.
The Block NZ returns Sunday at 7pm on Three.