Celebrity News

Manu Vatuvei’s baby blessing

With his million-dollar smile beaming, rugby league hard man Manu Vatuvei held a pair of scissors tightly and proudly cut the umbilical cord of his baby daughter Savannah. It was an emotional moment for the Warriors winger who desperately wanted to perform the precious fatherly duty ever since he missed the birth of his first […]
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Jodie Rimmer’s beach wedding

As an actress, Jodie Rimmer knows a thing or two about making a dramatic entrance. But the most spectacular she’s ever made was at her wedding, and the guests will never forget it. While her groom Tim Riley and the party waited on the edge of a cliff by Auckland’s Narrow Neck Beach, Jodie sailed […]
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Angela Bloomfield: our marriage secrets

Angela Bloomfield: our marriage secrets

Four-year-old oaya Houston approaches her mum and dad, silently stretching out her hand and a small blonde doll. “It’s Polly Pocket,” nods her father Chris, as he takes the doll and begins to put a rubber gown over her head. “She’s really hard to dress. This is just one of the many joys of being […]
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