Celebrity News

Too cute! Kiwi celebrities share their childhood summer holiday snaps

Toni Street, Miriama Kamo and more relive the summers of their childhoods.

As the country enjoys our annual break to soak up the sun beach-side, 7 kiwi celebs share their most treasured summer memories.

Melissa Stokes, TVNZ news presenter

“I grew up at the foot of Mt Maunganui and on most summer days we could be found at the beach, playing in the sand and waves, and eating ice creams as big as our heads, before rolling home to do pretty much the same thing the next day. It’s the kind of simple summer I hope to give my boys now – especially the ice cream.”

Dame Trelise Cooper, designer

“This photo was taken in the mid-1960s, when I was about nine years old. We were on the beach in front of our beautiful waterfront family bach at Scandrett Regional Park. We went there most weekends and Christmases for 35 years. This was a typical day with my siblings and our family friends – building a fire and cooking oysters, pipi, crabs and mussels. I’m on the far right – with the curls, of course!”

Esther Stephens, Westside actress

“This is a snap of me and my siblings in Whangamata. Our family has holidayed there every summer since we were little and this year, we’ll be there again, taking our own little boy away for his first holiday at the family bach. His granddad can’t wait till he’s big enough to teach him how to surf.”

Toni Street, The Hits presenter

“Even though I look like a total nerd in this photo – spot the milk-bottle glasses! – I love it because it brings back such happy memories of family holidays in my grandparents’ caravan. That’s my dad Geoff, my little sister Kirsty and my younger brother Stephen. It was so awesome. I can even remember the musty mothball smell of that caravan.”

Kim Garrett, Shortland Street actress

“My favourite summer memories are of my family’s New Year trips to Lake Rotoma, where we’d spend long sunny days on my grandfather’s boat. But my absolute favourite memory is of the annual ballet showcase in my home town of Whakatane. I did ballet for about five years and I’m about seven in this photo. I remember being as pleased as punch with my new ballet tutu.”

Jordan Mooney, Westside actor

“My favourite summer snap is this hilarious image of me at my sixth-form biology camp. I was the envy of the whole class as I ran about casting spells with this mighty staff.”

Miriama Kamo, Sunday presenter

“My marae, Rapaki on Banks Peninsula, is set on the most gorgeous bay. My whole whanau – grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins – would go down to the beach with picnics, rugs and umbrellas to set up for the day. It was the best, with beautiful water, blazing sun, diving for pipi, being together… This year, we’re doing it all again for the first time in

ages. A family reunion – I can’t wait!”

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