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Chrissy Teigen has been going through Rihanna’s mail illegally

The model was shocked to learn she has been committing a crime
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Chrissy Teigen is in trouble with the law…sort of.


The model recently appeared on The Ellen Degeneres show, where she opened up about being a new mum to baby Luna, and moving into a brand new house.

“It actually used to be Rihanna’s house, and I never thought I would be cool enough to live in a Rihanna pad,” joked Chrissy.

Chrissy went on to innocently reveal that Rihanna’s mail is still delivered to the house, and that she looks through the pop star’s bills.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

Chrissy and husband John Legend


‘You’re opening her mail?!’ said a shocked Ellen.

Beginning to appear nervous, Chrissy tried to defend herself.

“She gets a lot of fan mail! I don’t get my own [mail] to the house,” she stuttered.

“You know that’s illegal, right?” Ellen replied in disbelief.


A stunned Chrissy looked baffled. “Is it?” She asked, confused.

“But it’s my house now? Are we going to edit this …?” she quipped hilariously.

“This is why I can’t run for president,” joked the model and cookbook author.


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