Real Life

Kevin Milne: Price on Manuka Honey Skyrocketed?

Why is Manuka Honey so pricey?

Why is Manuka honey so expensive right now? It used to sell for much the same price as other brands of honey, but this is no longer the case.

It’s got to the point where some containers have been reduced to about half-size, just to keep the price down.

I’ve always loved this type of honey, but can no longer afford it.

Weather conditions over summer can affect the price in the supermarket – but that’s not the main reason it costs so much.

Global demand for all Manuka honey has shot up, since it’s been shown that some strains contain quite unique antibacterial properties.

This is despite the fact that not all of it contains the active ingredient that is beneficial to immune defences, throat and digestive health, wounds, etc.

Manuka honey is so popular now, I would be a little wary of any that’s selling at the same price as other honeys.

Check the label to make sure that it’s the pure kind, not mixed with honey from other flowers.

If it’s just the taste you like, there are brands that still offer a good quality product at a reasonable price, even if it’s more expensive than before.

However, if you buy this sweet spread for its healing properties, be prepared to pay much more.

You need to look on the label for its Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) rating. The higher the rating, the greater the antibacterial benefits.

A potency of 10+ is considered proactive and suitable for medical use. Check out Unique Manuka Factor online for more information – visit

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