
A shocking number of people prefer their pets to their partners

You won't believe how many people prefer their pet to their other half...

Apparently, people are starting to prefer spending time with their pets than their other halves!

It’s common knowledge that animals are one of the best perks of living on planet Earth. So it’s actually hardly surprising that a recent study found more and more people are ditching a relationship and would rather get a pet.

The idea of the old, lonely, single cat lady is out – it’s cool now to be the proud owner of a pet by yourself!

According to a study undertaken on behalf of Freshpet, more than a third of Brits prefer their pets to their partners.

A poll of 2,000 people who owned a cat or dog revealed that over half of them prefer spending time with their pet.

Although it’s not hard to imagine why, the reasons they gave were that they never nag, talk back and are always in a good mood.

Oh dear, we’re a bit worried about these angsty couples.

Three in 10 adults admitted that their pet was a better listener, and 45 per cent liked the fact that they’re never judged or questioned by their cat or dog.

Somewhat surprisingly, 29 per cent of people said their pet was better at snuggling up than their other half, and 44 per cent prefer cuddling them.

More than four in 10 people confessed that they shower their pet with more affection and attention than their other half, and they’d rather welcome their cat or dog for a cuddle at night than their partner.

Hmm – We’re not sure if this says that people prefer a pet to their partner, or that they’re actually just with the wrong people.

Oh well. Who are we to judge?!

This story originally appeared on Closer

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