Lost In Translation’ star Scarlett Johansson was so nervous about meeting her hero Woody Allen on the set of his new movie that she fluffed her lines. The actress was overjoyed to win a role in Woody’s new movie, but admits the overwhelming emotions she endured coming face-to-face with her idol temporarily muted her acting voice. She explains, “on the first day I was working with Woody Allen, I was really, really nervous. I didn’t know anything about him except that I adored his work. I walked onto the set on day one of filming in London and my first couple of takes were just horrible. I was thinking, ‘oh, my God, that was awful, what on earth is going on here?’ Then I realised I was just nervous. I knew I just had to get over the feeling because there were five weeks of filming ahead of me, and I couldn’t be nervous the whole time.” [3 July 2006]