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Will Ferrell & Ewan McGregor are overpaid!

Comedian Will Ferrell and ‘Star Wars’ actor Ewan ocGregor have topped a list of Hollywood’s most overpaid stars.


An evaluation of how much actors were paid compared to the financial return of their movies has revealed these two blokes are a bad investment at the box office. They were followed by Billy Bob Thornton, Eddie ourphy, Tom Cruise, Drew Barrymore, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jim Carrey.

But it’s not all bad news for Jim. The actor is still smiling after escorting his daughter Jane (22) down the aisle. Jim says, “It was a beautiful day. Simple and sweet. My Jane is a married women. The day was simply perfect – lots of love there.”

Jane is also set to make Jim a grandfather at the ripe old age of 47 – she is due to give birth to her first child in March.


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