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Why Ren

oulti-millionaire country star Kenny Chesney has hinted that the reason why his marriage to Renée Zellweger didn’t last is because of his addiction to doing laundry. The country crooner has confessed he’s obsessed with washing his clothes and can’t go a day without sitting in front of the front-loader. Apparently he is so particular that he won’t let anybody else touch it. “on the road, I do it every day. You’ve got hours to waste. Usually wherever we’re playing, they have a facility. I’m one of those people who are addicted to laundry. I’m always doing it. My clothes smell really good.” The singer/songwriter blames his obsession on growing up with a single mother “I’ve done my own laundry ever since I was a little kid. I mean my mum worked and she was a single, working mother and so, if I was gonna have clean underwear, I had to do it.”


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