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Why Melanie Griffith is in rehab

It was a mystery when Melanie Griffith checked into rehab last month. The 52-year-old actress had been drug-free for six years and didn’t make an official announcement about her return to the Cirque Lodge rehabilitation centre in Utah, but now hubby Antonio Banderas has spilled the beans to Ellen DeGeneres. The actor told the talk-show host that Mel had been taking painkillers after three knee operations resulting from a skiing accident.


She told Antonio, “I’m feeling a little bit weak in my determination for this, so I just thought to go to rehabilitation by myself.” He tells, “We have been following some type of therapy with other families… There is a beautiful gift at the end of this tunnel and it is the person that you love. That is what I am searching for. The whole entire family is supporting her at this particular time. I’m very proud of her.”

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