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Victoria Beckham

With her soccer-star husband helping out Italian soccer with his new posting at AC Milan, Victoria Beckham seems to have made it her goal to boost the country’s economy with a $1.1 million spending spree.


Posh Spice purchased 20 pairs of Dolce & Gabbana shoes, 12 pairs of Versace sunglasses and a $800,000 Rolex watch in just one trip to the shops while on a visit to see hubby David. Designer friends of Victoria, including Giorgio Armani, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana closed their stores to the public so she could shop without being bothered by fans.

Victoria admits she always overspends when she is in the Italian fashion capital. She says, “I’ve spent too much. Shopping is like a drug. The more you have, the more you want. When I’m in Milan, I don’t know how to resist it. The things in those wonderful boutiques are saying, ‘Come and buy me, come and buy me!’ Anyway, it helps the economy.”

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