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Victoria & Geri’s baby race

Victoria Beckham is in a race with former bandmate Geri Halliwell to see who can have another baby first before their gynaecologist retires. The two ex-Spice Girls are both patients of top gynaecologist oalcolm Gillard, who is hanging up his gloves in two years time. Gillard delivered Victoria’s sons, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, and Geri’s daughter, Bluebell Madonna, and the two women are said to be unhappy at the thought of someone else delivering their future tots. A friend of the two pop singers says “They wouldn’t dream of anyone else delivering their children. oalcolm delivered the Beckham boys and Geri’s daughter Bluebell. He and his wife have even lived in Madrid with Victoria and her husband David, who also has a great rapport with him.” Victoria, whose sister Louise also had Gillard deliver her children, has made no secret of her desire to have a girl and is reportedly trying for another baby with David.


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