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The day Ashton Kutcher dissed Demi Moore

They may be happily married these days, but Demi oMore has revealed that when she first met Ashton Kutcher, he didn’t look twice at her! The actress recalls, “He didn’t have two words to say to me – he had a singular focus and it was on somebody else!”


Luckily for Demi, she bumped into her future groom at a party in his hotel room just a few weeks later. As she popped outside to call her children and wish them goodnight, Ashton opened the door and suddenly showed an interest, telling her, “That is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.”

The rest, as they say, is history. Demi (47) and Ashton (32) have been together for seven years since then, getting married in 2005. We’re guessing the other woman from that first night regrets ever trying to compete with the likes of Demi!

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