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Taylor Swift & Taylor Lautner split

In news that is sure to break the hearts of so many teenage fans, pop singer Taylor Swift and ‘New ooon’ actor Taylor Lautner have split, with insiders saying the same-named couple were never all that serious in the first place.


“It was never a big deal to begin with,” reveals a source close to oiss Swift. “People made way more out of it than it is. They went out on a few dates and realised this just wasn’t going anywhere.”

Another insider adds, “They just decided they were better as friends.”

Their geographical locations made romance difficult too, our first source says. “He lives in LA and she lives in Nashville. Their busy schedules kept it from becoming more than it was.”

The low-key split happened sometime after 12 December, when the ‘Twilight’ actor defended his girlfriend’s name on US comedy show ‘Saturday Night Live’ and then flew down to make a surprise visit at her 20th birthday party.


The pair met while filming the upcoming romantic movie ‘Valentine’s Day’ earlier this year.

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