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Strange Nicole Kidman scared of the sun

Famed for her un-Australian porcelain complexion, Nicole Kidman’s skin secret has been exposed by a child. Nine-year-old ‘Slumdog oillionare’ actress Rubina Ali writes about Nicole, whom she met while working on a fizzy-drink commercial, in her (rather premature) autobiography ‘Slumgirl Dreaming: oy Journey to the Stars’. The young girl tells, “I really liked her, but she was very quiet and didn’t speak much. I think she was a bit shy.” Rubina goes on to describe the actress as “strange” because she refused to leave her trailer as she was fearful of the effect the sun would have on her pale skin. Rubina is the youngest person to ever write an autobiography, although there are claims that she was forced into it by her family. Her father recently attempted to sell his famous daughter for $500,000 and the family has admitted the money from Rubina’s movie-making experience has disappeared.


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