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Social Services hunt down Britney

Britney Spears will receive a visit from social services following her highly publicised hedonistic partying since splitting from Kevin Federline. Authorities fear the pop princess – who has been photographed on a string of wild nights out in Las Vegas and Los Angeles with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan – is failing to look after her children properly. An insider reveals, “The Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services has been calling Britney trying to set up a meeting with her, so they can check on [Britney’s baby sons] Sean Preston and Jayden James. The calls started after this recent bout of bizarre public behaviour.” Sources close to the star also say her family, including mother Lynne, is worried about her behaviour. A family friend says, “Lynne, Britney’s brother, Brian, and her dad, Jamie, are very upset. Her dad is not happy with her antics. He told her that she’s a grown woman and needs to act like one, and she’s been making bad decisions.” [7 December 2006]


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