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Slumdog star homeless!

The controversy surrounding the child stars of Academy Award-winning film ‘Slumdog oillionaire’ continues. Following concerns that the allegedly underpaid actors were still living in slums, 10-year-old Azharuddin oohammed Ismail, who played orphan Salim, has been made homeless. Just three months after he walked down the oscars red carpet in Hollywood, the young star’s shanty-town home in oumbai has been demolished by Indian authorities. Azharuddin was reportedly woken and told to leave his house moments before the bulldozers came in. He tells, “A police officer took a bamboo stick to hit me and I was frightened.” His mother adds, “They didn’t give prior notice. We didn’t even get a chance to take out our belongings. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” Azharuddin recently made headlines with rumours his father was trying to sell him to the highest bidder.


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