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Sir Elton John still determined to adopt

Sir Elton John and his husband David Furnish are still determined to adopt a child despite their application to adopt a 17-month old Ukrainian boy being denied earlier this year.


The pair, who tied the knot in 2005, were turned down because the Ukraine does to recognised civil partnerships as legitimate marriages. Additionally, Elton, at the age of 62, is too old to adopt under the eastern European country’s adoption laws.

The singer and his husband were recently offered “guardianship” of the wee boy, known as Lev, and David says, “We want to support Lev and his brother and get them into a Ukrainian home and out of the orphanage. We were upset not to be allowed to adopt, but we’ll fight and work with the Ukrainian government to change the law so that HIV-positive children can be adopted. We’ll be like uncles. They can visit us on holidays.”

He and Elton are going to take stock of the situation over the Christmas break and look to adopt again in the New Year. “That’s part of what Christmas will be about,” adds David. “A chance to get off the treadmill and chill out. There is a lot for us to talk about.”


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