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Simon Cowell confirms

First Paula Abdul announced her departure and now fellow original ‘American Idol’ judge Simon Cowell has confirmed his intention to leave in order to focus on launching a US version of his hit British talent show ‘The X Factor’.


Simon, who has been a judge on ‘Idol’ since 2002, says, “‘The X Factor’ will launch in 2011. Because of that, this will be my last season on American Idol this year.”

Simon – who has long been renown for his blunt and at-times controversial criticisms of contestants – will serve as the executive producer and judge on ‘The X Factor’. He adds, “I’m thrilled that we have put a date on the launch. We have a fantastic relationship, a great team and are all very excited about this.”

Former Spice Girl Melanie “Scary Spice” Brown – who has just been named as the new host of hit US reality series ‘Dance Your Ass off’ – is reported to be one of Simon’s fellow judges. Also rumoured to be on board? Paula.

Simon says, “I adore Paula. Whatever happens, I will be working with her in some capacity. Because I miss her.”


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