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Sheryl Crow sells out

Sheryl Crow has revealed that she is selling off her entire music catalogue. The 'All I want to do' singer has sold the rights to all of her songs to the S1 Songs Group. The deal will allow Sheryl to write

Sheryl Crow has revealed that she is selling off her entire music catalogue. The ‘All I want to do’ singer has sold the rights to all of her songs to the S1 Songs Group.


The deal will allow Sheryl to write and produce more music for television and film while also seeing the singer’s bank account go up by $14.5 million.

The deal will mean that the company will have the rights to her existing portfolio of music as well as her next two albums.

Sheryl (47) who battled breast cancer in 2006 and adopted a baby boy in 2007, has not yet given release dates for these subsequent albums.


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