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Salma: I’m not that rich!

Hollywood siren Salma Hayek has denied reports that she has a $160 million fortune, adding that she would donate the money to the poor in her native Mexico if she was so rich. A recent issue of Fortune' magazine ranks the Frida’ actress as one of the richest Latin American in Hollywood, second only to Jennifer Lopez. But the 39-year-old is angered by false details about her finances becoming public, saying, “It’s a huge lie. It’s very, very far from reality. I don’t have that amount of money. Somebody sent me the article and I laughed.” Salma, who has helped to raise awareness about issues of domestic violence in her homeland, adds, “If I had $160 million I would have retired and would be doing more things on an altruistic level than I can now. I would have opened centres in Mexico for violence against women and many other things.” [25 July 2006]


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