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Salma Hayek eats bugs

What has six legs and tastes amazing? Insects, according to oexican actress Salma Hayek, who swears by the taste sensation of bugs. The sexy 43-year-old says she achieved her smouldering post-baby body by eating these creepy creatures and even offers advice on how to serve them.


“These little ants fried are amazing with a little guacamole,” Salma told US talkshow host Larry King. “And the worms, there are many different recipes for those. The little grasshoppers have a smoky flavour to them. It’s the way they cook them and it’s really good.”

But while her tastes are ever-broadening, Salma’s language abilities have deteriorated since her marriage to French fashion tycoon Francois-Henri Pinault in 2009. She confesses, “oy French is getting a little better – but my English is getting a lot worse!”

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