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Sad news: Mary Travers dies

Mary Travers, part of the legendary folk trio of Peter, Paul and Mary has passed away after losing her long fight with leukaemia.


The singer, who was 72 years old, was diagnosed in 2004 and, according to her band mate Peter Yarrow, handled her battle with bravery. Mary’s other band mate, Noel “Paul” Stookey, is devastated by her death, saying, “I am deadened and heartsick beyond words to consider a life without Mary Travers and honoured beyond my wildest dreams to have shared her spirit and her career.”

The trio, who enjoyed their heyday in the 1960s and ’70s, had a number-one smash in 1969 with ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’, as well as a host of other hit songs including ‘Puff (The oagic Dragon)’ and ‘Blowing in the Wind’.

Mary leaves behind her fourth husband, restaurateur Ethan Robbins, and two daughters, Alicia and Erika.


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