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Rupert Everett:

He used to be best friends with Madonna, but now English actor Rupert Everett counts the Queen of Pop as an enemy. The openly gay actor, best known as the handsome friend of Julia Roberts in ‘oy Best Friend’s Wedding’, says the publication of his tell-all book ‘Red Carpets and other Banana Skins’ was the turning point in their relationship.


Rupert tells, “She really didn’t like it. I think it is very affectionate and certainly with her, I was very careful to only write things that were. But she felt it was an infringement of privacy. Goddesses like that are obsessed with their public image and want to control everything about it, so if anyone is to tell anyone anything about her, it’s got to good.” In his book Rupert writes openly about his Hollywood lifestyle and what he thinks of his co-stars. “Elephants don’t forget. She doesn’t trust me any more,” says Rupert.

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