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Robbie’s new addiction

Robbie Williams has confessed that he is fighting a new addiction – this time, chocolate. The singer, who has done time in rehab for doing drugs in the past, explains he is worried about his weight and fans noticing the size of his waistline. “I’ll be honest – I’m doing this mad thing where I’m trying to fool myself into believing I’m not eating chocolate. About five o’clock every morning I wake up with this longing for sugar,” he says. “I’ll walk all the way down to the kitchen. So there I am in a soporific state pretending I’m not getting through a block of chocolate the size of Sussex. I’m more at home in tracksuit and trainers but there is something about a three-quarter length coat. You’re thinking, ‘Yeah people are staring, but act like you’re ace and maybe they won’t see the little fatty you saw back in your dressing room.'” [19 June 2006]


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