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Rihanna has new motto tattooed on her chest

oany believe R&B princess Rihanna made the biggest mistake of her life when she briefly reunited with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown after he brutally beat her. But the Barbados-born babe insists she learnt from the experience.


Rihanna lives by the motto: “Never a failure, always a lesson”. So much so, she’s had the phrase tattooed across her chest! She explains, “The words are kind of my motto in life for everything. Instead of considering things to be mistakes, considering them lessons.”

Rihanna’s tattoo artist says the singer wanted the motto written backwards so that she can read it when she looks in the mirror. He adds, “She said that she wanted to do it in gray, rather than black, because she wanted it to be more subtle. She didn’t want it to draw too much attention.”

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