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Rihanna has revealed she was outraged when fellow songstress Leona Lewis got punched by a male fan. The incident brought back memories of the brutal beating Rihanna received at the hands of ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, with the ‘Umbrella’ singer saying, “I got so mad. I felt like it was me who was punched. I couldn’t believe it happened to her of all people. It’s so disappointing when people behave like that. Why? She’s so sweet. She is just a beautiful, beautiful spirit. You don’t want any bad things to happen to her.”


Meanwhile, Leona herself insists she’s over the unprovoked attack. She says, “I’m hard. I’m not going to let something like that bother me. When you grow up where I did, you learn to move on. There was always some kind of craziness going on in my neighbourhood. The boys were always fighting each other and there was loads of street crime. I know how to look after myself. The part of London where I grew up has the highest crime rates in the country.”

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