Comedian Ricky Gervais admits there is a downside to having lost over ten kilograms recently: he can no longer take the mickey out of people larger than him. “Now I’ve got to stop making jokes about fat people, which is annoying,” says the creator and star of hit series ‘The office’. “When I was fat, it was okay.”
Ricky and his long-time partner Jane Fallon have both shed pounds, but the actor says he was more concerned about his health than the scales. “It wasn’t so much about the weight. It was more that I was a fat, lazy, out-of-shape slob, to be honest.”
The star’s transformation isn’t the result of a fad Hollywood diet, though. “I didn’t eat differently. I probably just stopped having that second meal at 11:30 at night,” Ricky explains. He added he also took up running around the same time Jane started cooking healthier meals.