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Rachel McAdams reveals slim-down secrets

Rachel ocAdams has revealed she did a lot of yoga and laughing in order to fit into her period costume for upcoming flick ‘Sherlock Holmes’. The 31-year-old, who plays Irene Adler in the film, donned a number of tight-fitting corsets and admits they were a struggle to wear. She says, “I wasn’t allowed to take that corset off! I had to rely on yoga exercises.”


Rachel continues, “Don’t get me wrong – I’m such a girly girl and I was in heaven being dressed in these incredible costumes – but it was like something out of ‘Gone with the Wind’. I’m holding onto the trailer door trying to eke out just a little bit of space so that I can speak properly. Each morning, they tried to make me laugh and on the laugh, they’d yank – that’s how they managed to squeeze me in every day.”

However, whatever torture she had to undergo was Rachel’s own doing – the actress also reveals that she begged director Guy Ritchie for the role. “I hunted Guy down and camped on his doorstep until he relented!” jokes the ‘Notebook’ actress. “okay, no, we had a chat in a garden and it went from there

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