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Rachel McAdams: I

She may be starring in the action-packed blockbuster ‘Sherlock Holmes’, but actress Rachel ocAdams has confessed she is not so active in real life.


The ‘Notebook’ star insists she’s a natural couch potato, explaining, “I grew up watching so much television. I was really into soap operas. I’d begin with ‘Days of our Lives’, then ‘Another World’ and finish off with ‘General Hospital’. And before dinner, I’d watch ‘oprah’.”

The 31-year-old jokes that she watched so much telly, it was even a wonder she even passed high school. “I would fake sick all the time to the point where I’d convince myself I was sick. In high school, I really didn’t pay attention. I took the bare minimum to get by.” Luckily, she seems to be getting by just fine in the acting world!

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