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Posh’s nose out of joint?

Victoria Beckham may be considering a nose job. According to one of her friends, the singer-turned-designer has wanted to change her schnozz for some time, and now might be a good time to go ahead, having moved from Europe to America. The former Spice Girl has already had a drastic change of hairstyle since emigrating. “Now could be the time to alter her nose,” the source says. “She has never been a big fan of her nose. She thinks it turns up too much at the tip.” Meanwhile, Victoria reveals she is having a tough time without husband David in Los Angeles. She is looking for a new family home while David remains in Spain serving out his football contract with Real Madrid. She confesses,”I can cope with everything else, but being away from David so much makes me break down. I just sit and cry and cry. I can’t wait to wake up with him. I miss him so much.” [12 March 2007]


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